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Rules: There really aren't too many rules that need to be followed. Many of them are common sense things that make sure you aren't given an unfair advantage. 1. This is one of the biggest rules, no SK, TK, or AFK. It is a cheap way to get frags. 2. Although tracking is looked down upon, it is not banned from use. If a player does happen to ask you to stop using tracking on whatever weapon it may be, it is only right that you stop. 3. This is close to what number 2 is about; no aiming bots, macros, or anything else of that nature. 4. And anything that was left out that is unfair and gives you an biased advantage. Remember, this game should be based on fun and skill, not how good you are at SKing someone. =)
Code of Conduct: Just some basic stuff that should be easy to follow. 1. Cursing. Cursing really isn't much of an issue. A lot of people curse when they get upset when they die or something. If someone asks you to stop because it's too vulgar or too offending though, you should stop. It's only polite to do so. 2. Do not boot someone just because they have a higher frag total than you or if you don't like one or two of the things he may have happened to say. I do think you should boot a player that is a constant bother. Reasons for booting someone should be, although it isn't limited to: Obsessive cursing after you ask them to stop; rude behavior; Known use of macros and other means of cheating; and all in all obscene conduct |
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